Ä draakonite fanclub (2:490/36.3614) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ A.FAN.DR Ä Msg : 1931 of 2000 From : heart of glass Tue 15 Oct 96 21:50 To : All Sat 19 Oct 96 01:23 Subj : Re: ~~poetry reading ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ > something i just sat down and wrote. it's quite rough at the moment but maybe it doesn't want to be fixed. i walk in the embrace of sorrow, i am engulfed by the stormy sky. i know there is no tomorrow, all that is left is the bleeding butterflies. my head is filled with bruises and on the floor, my shattered dreams. i am she who always loses and never learns quite what it all means. my eyes, they stare at nothing, my soul would empty itself that way. always there is the feeling of something missing and a debt that must be paid. i tread the paths that angels fear with eyes that burn like demons fire. i have lost what i held dear and will be consumed by grief's slow fire. i scream to fill these empty spaces that i am made a prisoner in. i love and loathe those terrible faces, the reminders of my many sins. i laugh at those who claim to be wise and still believe they are safe from pain, i fix them with my hellish eyes and make them learn to hurt again. i am embraced by lightning's touch, i feel too deep, i hurt too much. now leave me to the endless sleep.. i am she who walks on water only to sink, just like a stone. i am the very devil's daughter, she who must always be alone.. --rae ___ _,__......,,,/''''''' (_ /-._ _, _/\-^~~ ~~^--/\___, (_ -``~-_`\ o-,____.*) \_._,-/`~ -, -,~~^~-/\---_,_(.__.__`; ) _ `,_......._____,-,---__,\_________,-,---__,\____________________.,'_____ email:gemma@g-dav.demon.co.uk webpage:http://www.g-dav.demon.co.uk/jude/ "the *true* dragon, on the other hand, is a creature of such refinement of spirit that they can only take on form in this world if they are concieved by the most skilled imagination." --terry pratchett. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- GoodGate 0.99 * Origin: Goodwin BBS, Tallinn, Estonia (2:490/20)