Subject: Re: Baxil's Mating Status Date: 29 Aug 1996 00:00:00 GMT From: vampire eyes/jude/winterhart Organization: None Newsgroups: > >: she who loves storms, > > Dark storm clouds begin to form over Raora's head. Lightning dances >between the clouds, charing the air with its electricity. Thunder rumbles >around in the air, calling to one and another. A wind begins to swirl >around the dragoness and then... rae lifts up her head and sees the lightning dancing. "WHOO!" *happylittleraindance* > > > ACK! >*Hows that storm?* *giggle*grin* actually, thinking of storms has made me go all poetic... listen carefully to the rolling of thunder 'cross the darkened skies and you'll hear the roaring of the dragon with the storm in her eyes. watch as the lightning dances, listen as the thunder wails, hear the the song of the dragon with storm clouds for her tail. lift your head and feel the rain trickle down your face, dance the dance of the dragon within the storm's wild embrace. as the wind howls around you and holds the land in its jaws, you may see the delighted dragon with lightning edging her claws. when the crash of thunder takes you by surprise you'll see the light of the dragon that holds the storm in her eyes. > >:) >-- >Time is a sticky web >Everyone is caught in. >All that matters is, >if your a spider or a fly. just got dry (does it _ever_ stop raining here?), --raora ---------------------------------------------- --jude---------aionar--------raora----winterhart----karana-- --realme-----winged horse-----dragon-----vampyre-----unicorn-- --poetry--------flight--------joolz-------blood------misfit-- --email: