
I am the tears, the pain, the sorrow
That is bottled up inside of everyone,
That is cried and screamed and shouted by everyone,
But not me.
I am the shoulder you all cry on.
I'm strong for you all.

But who's going to be strong for me?

I am the one that fights for you all,
Plunges in with dagger-eyes and firey-words,
Till the bitter end.
I shall win,
Though I grow tired.
I will fight for you.

But who will fight for me?

I am the one that protects you all from
Me. The evil, the hurt, the horror
That threatens to rip you apart sometimes.
I keep you safe
So you can carry on.

But who will protect me?


I am strong.
I need no-one to lean on.
I can be strong for myself
And everyone else.
I will never give in.

I will fight for myself.
I need no knight in shining armour to save me
From myself.
I'm already lost.
I will die fighting.

I need no protection.
I'm safe on my own.
You couldn't help me
If you tried.
I'm past help.
I can protect myself.

But... then................................

Who will -care- for me?

Vampire Eyes
January 24, 1996

Unpublished work Copyright 1996 Vampire Eyes

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